Implementation of the constitutional right of workers to collective labor disputes at the level of «the right to strike»
The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the implementation of the constitutional right of workers to collective labor disputes at the level of «the right to strike». The author considers: procedural, civil and public law principles of labor law in relation to the institution of «the right to strike»; reflexes of objective and subjective law based on a situational approach; limited «strike» legal capacity; delimitation of disputes so that there is no opposition of rights and interests, while a dispute about interest is only an integral part of a dispute about law; issues of creating a special permanent body, a strike fund; methodological features included in the definition of the concept of a strike; self-defense by employees of their economic and social interests; minimum required works (services); a historically recurring tendency to restrict or prohibit lockouts; and finally, a call is made for the identification of «compulsion to strike» requirements. The key points of the transformations are the legal assessment of the actual circumstances and their qualification. It is proposed to supplement and modify labor legislation with provisions on the release of parties to a collective labor dispute from liability for failure to fulfill their obligations due to a strike, along with the introduction of an additional legal liability. The phased introduction of conceptually well-thought-out changes and additions to labor legislation, filling in the gaps in terms of «reflection of law» and the settlement of disagreements is of relevance. At present, the positive experience accumulated by the world community in the area under study can be taken into account in the process of finalizing acts of labor legislation by supplementing them with provisions on non-traditional methods of organizing conciliation, mediation and arbitration procedures for resolving labor disputes, which most effectively contribute to the prevention of conflict situations.
reflexes of law, subjective right, objective law, delimitation of disputes, organ, self-defense rights, minimum work, lockout, identification of requirements, coercion to participate
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