Editorial Policy of the Journal
The yearbook adheres to the high professional standards of periodicals in the field of labour law, philosophy, economics, sociology and labour psychology. The title "Yearbook of Labour Law" is unique and distinguishes the journal from other periodical scientific publications.
St. Petersburg is the place of publication of the Yearbook is Russia. The Yearbook provides a consolidation of scientific views of Russian scientists on a wide range of social and humanitarian problems in the field of social labour, as well as the views of foreign scientists on the problems of regulating social and labour relations.
The publication is carried out annually, and its content reflects scientific achievements in the field of sciences researching labour for the previous calendar year. The Editorial board of the Yearbook consists of experts recognized in Russia and abroad in the field of law, philosophy, economics, sociology and labour psychology.
Mission and uniqueness
The Yearbook of Labour Law is a specialized periodical scientific publication.
The main mission of the publication is to maintain a high level of scientific discussion based on the consolidation and cooperation of social and humanitarian sciences on labour, the synthesis of domestic and foreign research in the field of social and labour relations.
The uniqueness of an international publication (as opposed to other publications of this kind) is determined by a combination of the following factors:
— on the pages of the Yearbook, the views of representatives of the world's leading scientific legal, economic, sociological, psychological schools and research centers specializing in the study of labour are expressed;
— The yearbook serves as a platform for scientific dialogue and international scientific discussions;
— the Yearbook formulates the results of research, including using empirical methods of social sciences and humanities, comparative law and interdisciplinary approaches (at the intersection with other social sciences-sociology, history, psychology, philology, political science etc.);
— The Yearbook intends to implement the policy of a bilingual journal (to publish articles and other materials, both in Russian and in English).
Priority goals
Strategic goals of the publication:
— positioning the Yearbook of Labour Law as a world-class open platform for communication between professional, proactive scientists and specialists;
— promotion of progressive concepts and practices in the field of regulating social and labour relations;
— improving the professional level of specialists on the basis of familiarizing the scientific community and practitioners with advanced scientific developments both in the field of theory and in the scientific and applied sphere.
The Yearbook of Labour Law is a specialized periodical scientific publication designed to summarize the achievements of domestic and international legal science and related social and humanitarian sciences on labour.
The purpose of the publication is to create conditions for raising the general scientific level of legal, economic, sociological and other social sciences on the basis of consolidation and cooperation of scientific knowledge, familiarizing the scientific community with advanced scientific developments both in the field of theory and in the scientific and applied sphere.
To achieve this goal, the Yearbook undertakes to publish the results of scientific research and projects of international importance that reflect the current state and prospects for the development of economics and law, social and humanitarian sciences, which research human labour in its main aspects. As part of this activity, the Yearbook aims to strengthen integration ties within the international scientific community.
Main tasks
The key objectives of the Yearbook's editorial policy are:
— increasing the demand for the publication and sustainability of its distribution by maintaining high quality scientific publications that meet international standards;
— expanding the readership by promoting progressive concepts and practices in the field of regulating social and labour relations;
— development of professional relations and scientific cooperation between scientists and research teams of Russia and foreign countries in order to develop constructive solutions aimed at the development of science and practice;
— presentation of the results of theoretical and applied research in the field of labour and social law, including research using empirical methods of social and humanitarian sciences, as well as interdisciplinary and comparative legal studies;
— coverage of the history of development and current state of social and humanitarian sciences of labour, including the science of labour and social law;
— familiarizing readers with the mechanisms of legal regulation of labour in foreign countries, the state and main problems of social and humanitarian sciences abroad.
Basic principles
— Responsibility of the editorial board for achieving priority goals and solving the main tasks that determine the journal's policy;
— focus on the interests of readers and authors;
— high demands on authorship, relevance, originality, theoretical and / or practical significance, quality and reliability of publications;
— promotion of free expression of opinions on the pages of the publication;
— editorial integrity and responsibility for compliance with the rules of publishing ethics, ethics of reviewing and editing publications;
— openness, scientific integrity and independence of editorial policy in relation to authors, reviewers and the readership;
— preventing commercial interests from taking precedence over creative interests;
— providing high-quality technical editing, design and presentation of published materials;
— support for the publication activity of young scientists, including postgraduates and doctoral students;
— the author's integrity and responsibility for compliance with the rules of manuscript preparation and publication ethics.
Legal basis
The editorial policy of the Yearbook of Labour Law is based on the following fundamental international and domestic legal acts:
1. World Copyright Convention, 1952 (in the Paris edition of July 24, 1971).
2. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 1886 (as amended by the Paris Act of September 28, 1979).
3. Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (signed in Stockholm on July 14, 1967, amended on October 2, 1979).
4. The WIPO Copyright Treaty (together with the "Agreed Statements on the WIPO Copyright Treaty"). Geneva, 20 December 1996.
5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright protection (Chapters 69, 70 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 145, 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 7.12 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).
In its activities, the Editorial Board is guided by the recommendations of the International Journal of Economics, Committee of Publication Ethics and Regulations on reviewing materials.
Editorial policy for working with materials
1. In terms of working with materials, the editorial policy is based on the following fundamental principles.
Editorial Board:
— rejects material previously published in another scientific journal;
— rejects material based on false information;
— checks incoming materials for illegal borrowing;
— considers reasoned statements about illegal borrowing in the materials under review, received from reviewers;
— provides advice to the author (co-authors) on making corrections and (or) refutations to the material;
— publishes corrections, clarifications, refutations, and apologies of authors (co-authors).
2. The Journal does not accept the following materials:
— items that exceed the amount of borrowings;
— abstracts (abstract reviews);
— reviews of scientific events, including presentations and discussions;
— reviews of scientific publications;
— personalities (anniversary notes, obituaries, etc.).
3. The editor-in-Chief has the right to reject a manuscript if, according to his own judgment, it does not comply with the editorial policy of the journal.
4. All Yearbook materials are subject to a two-way "blind" review process. Reviewers are experts on the problem of the submitted material.
5. The Editorial Board has an anti-plagiarism policy.
5.1. It is recognized as plagiarism:
— use (verbatim quoting) of any materials in any volume without specifying the source;
— use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams and any other forms of graphical representation of information without specifying the source;
— use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams and any other forms of graphical representation of information published in scientific and popular publications without the consent of the copyright holder;
— use without written permission of materials whose authors or copyright holders prohibit the use of their materials without special consent.
5.2. Borrowings of any volume should be justified for the purposes of writing the article. However, materials containing less than 80 % of the author's text are not accepted for publication.
5.3. The allowed amount of citations is no more than 20 % of the total volume of the article. Articles that require more citations for objective reasons are reviewed individually by the editorial board.
5.4. In order to ensure the high quality of published materials, as well as respect for copyright, all articles submitted to the editorial office are checked for plagiarism (the presence of borrowings) through the system "Anti-plagiarism-Rukontext". Texts in foreign languages are checked by CrossCheck and other similar tools.
If the editorial staff has grounds for a more detailed review, additional tools are used to search for borrowings.
Authors can check their articles for plagiarism using the following systems:
Article retraction
The editors of the journal resort to retraction (revocation of an article) in order to warn readers about cases of duplicate publications (when authors present the same data in several publications), plagiarism, concealment of conflicts of interest, provision of false data that could affect the interpretation of data or recommendations about their use.
The reason for revoking an article might be the following:
— detection of plagiarism in the publication;
— duplication of articles in various publications;
— detection of serious errors (such as misinterpretations of results) that call into question its scientific value;
— detection of falsifications or fabrications in the text of the article;
— incorrect composition of authors (for example, people who do not meet the criteria of authorship are included);
— detection of conflicts of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);
— re-publication of the article, carried out without the consent of the co-author.
Article retraction can be initiated upon:
— the request from the author of the article;
— an appeal from the editorial staff of another magazine;
— treatment of unauthorized persons (possibly participants in a conflict of interest) if there is evidence of violations of scientific ethics by the author of the article;
— if the editorial board of the journal finds facts of violation of the scientific ethics of the author of the article.
Retraction of articles in the Yearbook of Labour Law is carried out in the following way:
1. After the request of the author or another person who provided facts of violation of scientific ethics in the article, the editorial board of the journal appoints a commission that conducts investigations of the case, taking into account all available facts and opportunities to verify the ethics of the publication;
2. Having made a decision to withdraw the article, the editorial board shall indicate in the minutes of the meeting the reason for retraction (in case of plagiarism detection-indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction.
3. A protocol in the prescribed form is provided to The Publication Ethics Committee (for entering information into the unified database of retrogressed articles).
4. Information about withdrawn texts is transmitted to scientometric databases and libraries that host the publication.
5. In case of serious moral damage to the parties to the conflict of interests, information about the fact of violation of scientific ethics may be transmitted to the author's place of work.
6. The editorial board reserves the right to make its own decisions regarding further cooperation with the authors of retracted articles (complete refusal to cooperate, refusal to cooperate for a certain period of time, appointment of an additional expert examination of articles in case of repeated cooperation).
Access to published materials and copying them
The license agreement, terms of transfer of rights, and privacy statement are publicly available.
The Yearbook maintains an electronic archive of electronic materials. Access to the electronic archive will be closed if the journal ceases to exist.
Materials of the Yearbook are published on the Internet in open access. Free access to the materials of the Yearbook online is provided immediately after its publication.
Publication fee
The Yearbook does not charge a fee for submitting articles and publishing them.