The impact of labor law of the Arctic region countries on a model of international interaction in the field of social and labor relations


  • Konstantin D. Krylov Kutafin Moscow State Law University, 9, Sadovaia-Kudrinskaia ul., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation
  • Tatiana A. Zykina Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, 17, Severnaia Dvina nab., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation


The article analyzes the international cooperation of the countries of the Arctic region in various fields related to the study and development of the Arctic territories. The emphasis of the study is on the development by these countries of an optimal legal model of social and labor relations regulation in this region, which is necessary for successful joint activities. The article shows that with objectively existing differences, the labor law of each subpolar country has many common issues inherent in this legal area that can form the basis of international social dialogue. For example, concerning an employment contract, working hours and rest periods, guarantees and compensations, labor protection, protection of labor rights and freedoms of
workers whose labor is used in the Arctic. The interaction of the Polar states on these issues and the model of cooperation formed on this basis should be carried out taking into account international acts in the field of labor, regional documents and the practice of trilateral cooperation with the participation of associations of employers and trade unions. Cooperation should be based on the legal foundations of multilevel state and contractual regulation of social and labor relations, the historical continuity of regulatory legal acts and legal innovations of the modern and future development of the world of work. The state of international
cooperation between the countries of the Arctic region is closely related to state strategies for action in the Arctic, in which there are similar positions aimed at addressing the security of each state, solving problems associated with the extraction of energy sources and various minerals, as well as environmental and rights issues indigenous peoples of the Arctic. At the same time, all the circumpolar countries focus on the sphere of the economy, which is directly related to the labor market and the social and labor relations existing in this market.


Arctic, countries of the Arctic region, labor law, social and labor relations, model of international interaction


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How to Cite

Krylov, K. D., & Zykina, T. A. (2022). The impact of labor law of the Arctic region countries on a model of international interaction in the field of social and labor relations. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 10, 188–202. Retrieved from



International, comparative and foreign labor law