The problem of interaction between labour law and the social security law
tors and institutions. Labour law and social security law interact. This fact is not denied. But what is the process of interaction. This issue is currently unresolved. It is not clear whether the legal relationship between labour law and social security law can interact. To date, the interaction of legal relations entails their integration into one system. An example is the legal relationship on compulsory social insurance for the payment of insurance benefits. These legal relations meet all the characteristics of social security law. They cannot belong to a different law. On the other hand, there is a link to labour relations. This connection is confirmed by the fact that social and insurance legal relations cannot arise before employment legal relations. In addition, social and insurance rights are formed in labour legal relations. The situation is complicated by the norms of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. According to the Labour Code, social and insurance legal relations should be regulated by labour law. The article analyzes the interaction of legal relations: social insurance and labour. It is shown that the nature of social and insurance legal relations does not change, and it cannot be included in labour law. The article shows that the existing relationship is mutual. For labor legal relations, the presence of social insurance is very important. Social and insurance legal relations interact not only with labour legal relations, but also with financial and civil legal relations. On the basis of this, it is concluded that it is necessary to recognize the interaction of legal relations with the preservation of their membership in their system.
insurance benefits, interaction of law branches, social and insurance legal relationship, legal relationship on social security, subject of social security law
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