About the Journal

1. The Russian Journal of Labour & Law is­ a specialized periodical scientific publication.

The main mission of the publication is to maintain a high level of scientific discussion based on the consolidation and cooperation of social and humanitarian sciences in the field of labour, the synthesis of domestic and foreign research of social and labour relations.

Strategic goals of the publication are the following:
— positioning the Russian Journal of Labour & Law as a world-class open platform for communication between professional, proactive scientists and specialists;
— promotion of progressive concepts and practices in the field of regulating social and labour relations;
— improving the professional level of specialists on the basis of familiarizing the scientific community and practitioners with advanced scientific developments both in the field of theory and in practice.

2. The high quality of the Russian Journal of Labour & Law is guaranteed through:
— The quality of publications. Publications are based on the original results of theoretical and empirical research, as well as analytical reviews in certain areas of scientific knowledge, designed to summarize the achievements of domestic and international legal science and related social and humanitarian sciences about labour for each year.
— Subject of publications. The main body of materials published in the Journal focuses on the legal regulation of labour and social relations. At the same time, articles by scientists — economists, sociologists, social psychologists and representatives of other sciences, devoted to the problems of applying social labour also form a part of the Yearbook. The share of such materials is constantly increasing so that over time the Journal, while remaining a specialized publication, at the same time represents a synthesis of diverse scientific views on the problems of labour.
— Ensuring discussion. In terms of content, the Journal is a discussion platform where dissimilar and sometimes directly opposite scientific positions are presented.
— Comparative research. The principle of comparative studies is implemented in the Journal in the broadest sense of the word — from works within the framework of classical comparative law to discussing the problems of interaction and interpenetration of different legal systems and economic models.
— Partner relations. The Journal is in close cooperation with the St. Petersburg International Labour Forum, being its scientific publication organ. This fact provides prospects in the organization of communication between science and practice.
— An international team of authors. The Journal publishes a wide range of scientists — specialists in the field of law and economics, living and working in Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Brazil, and neighboring countries. In the future, international experts representing other branches of social and humanitarian knowledge are expected to join us.
— A wide range of readers. The materials published by the Journal are of interest to both scientists and practitioners, both in Russia and abroad. Potential readers of the publication are participants of the International St. Petersburg Labour Forum.

3. The key objectives of the Journal's editorial policy are:
— increasing the demand for the publication and sustainability of its distribution by maintaining high quality scientific publications that meet international standards;
— expanding the readership by promoting progressive concepts and practices in the field of regulating social and labour relations;
— development of professional relations and scientific cooperation between scientists and research teams of Russia and foreign countries in order to develop constructive solutions aimed at the development of science and practice.

4. The Russian Journal of Labour & Law provides a consolidation of scientific views of Russian scientists on a wide range of social and humanitarian problems in the field of social labour application.

ISSN: 2218-9483 (print version)

Saint Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg University Press
6th Line V.O., 11, Saint Petersburg, 199004, Russia
Director of the St. Petersburg University Press: Elena V. Lebedkina