L. S. Tal and V. M. Gordon: Double portrait for the anniversary
This article provides a comparative analysis of the life and creative paths of well-known Russian lawyers L. S. Tal and V. M. Gordon. The appeal of biographies of these scholars is not only the anniversary of their births, but also meaningful and applied purposes. The activities of these scholars, especially Tal, are linked to the formation of the domestic study of labor law, and the discussion between them on key issues about the recruitment of labor is important for understanding the genesis of labor law. The difference in their approaches to labor law issues was due to differences in their training, specialization, and even temperament. At the same time, many factual elements in their biographies have been clarified, and some have been made public for the first time. This allows not only to correct their biographical information, but also to better understand peculiarities of their worldviews and the scale of their contributions to the development of legal studies. The relevance of their discussions is also increasing in connection with currently changing approaches to regulating labor relations and increasing its flexibility. Attention is drawn to the social environment in which their views were formed, their gymnasium and university training, careers in public service, and personal lives. Their scholarly and teaching activities were at the center of attention, and both at one time taught and conducted scientific activities at the Demidov Juridical Lyceum (Yaroslavl).
labor contracts, employment contract, master’s debate, flexibility of labor relations
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