The competence of the employer on the issue of the adoption of local regulations


  • Maria A. Drachuk F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, 55, pr. Mira, Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation



This article sets out to formulate limits and content of the employer’s competence as a subject of local rule-making. The article expresses a judgment about the possibility of filling gaps in the law with local norms, for which the employer should be guided by principles of legal regulation of labor and relations directly related to them, its goals, and objectives. It is also noted that the legislator, leaving behind the local normative acts not only the function of filling the gaps, but also the function of concretizing the legal norms of labor legislation, forms a certain list of local normative acts, the adoption of which by the employer is obligatory. When analyzing the norms of labor legislation, some difficulty arises in the exact definition of local regulatory legal acts binding for the employer, which is an unconditional defect of legal regulation. The author proposes internal labor regulations, local regulatory act on remuneration, staffing (job descriptions as part of it), local regulatory acts on the temporary transfer of employees to remote work, rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, and a local regulatory act on the transfer of employee personal data within one organization, from one individual entrepreneur. The same defect should be considered the absence of a precise content of the local regulations obligatory for adoption by the employer, which allows, inter alia, to differentiate them among themselves, as well as to understand the sufficiency of the regulatory regulation of a particular issue. Since some of these local regulations must be adopted by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (if there is such a body), it is proposed at the legislative level to clarify the list of those local acts that, in exceptional cases, can be adopted by the employer alone.


employer, law-making, legal regulation, local regulatory legal act, representative body of employees, competence


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How to Cite

Drachuk, M. A. . (2022). The competence of the employer on the issue of the adoption of local regulations. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 12, 92–107.



Theory of labor law