An Employment Law Study of the Interaction of Personnel and State Policies in the Digital Age


  • Alena V. Serova Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev, 21, Komsomolskaya ul., Yekaterinburg, 620137, Russian Federation



The author considers the theoretical foundations of the interaction of personnel and state policies in terms of digitalization of the world of work. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks: studying the concepts of "personnel policy" and "state policy"; studying of their stages of implementation; highlighting and researching certain aspects of the interaction of personnel and state policies in the digital age; formulation and substantiation of political and legal proposals. The research methodology is based on systemic and political-legal approaches. The main results of the study are as follows. The systemic-structural and substantive aspects of the interaction of personnel and state policies in the digital age are highlighted and analyzed. The systemic and structural aspect is manifested in the following: personnel policy is a part of the public administration system; the structure of any sectoral state policy always includes a personnel block. From the point of view of the substantive aspect through the implementation of personnel policy, political decisions made by the state are implemented, and employers as subjects of personnel policy using social partnership mechanisms or independently during monitoring of the implementation of state policy can express their opinion regarding identified defects in the implementation of state policy. A feature of this interaction is that not only employers, but also employees, as objects of personnel policy, can also influence the development of state policy in terms of the digitalization of the world of work, for example, through the mechanisms of social partnership. The stages of implementation of personnel and state policies are described, within which they interact with each other. The study also formulated and substantiated political and legal solutions to the problems of machine-readable labor law, replacement of human labor with digital technologies, training and additional professional education of employees.


personnel policy, state policy, digital economy, the world of work, electronic personnel document management, machine-readable law, artificial intelligence, robotization, lifelong learning concept


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How to Cite

Serova, A. V. (2023). An Employment Law Study of the Interaction of Personnel and State Policies in the Digital Age. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 13, 65–80.



Theory of labor law