Coordination of the interests of the parties to labor relations and the state at the labor market


  • Alexander M. Kurennoy Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



In modern conditions, the role of the state is significantly increasing — both in the sphere of the national economy as a whole and in the sphere of labor. This is due to a number of circumstances, including, first of all, factors of a transient, extraordinary nature. However, much more important is the long-term factor associated with the radical transformation of the economy, with its transition to the type that is defined as the “supply economy”. The supply economy assumes not just the reaction of the economy to the demand developing in different sectors of social life, but above all the impact on the formation of this demand. It is obvious that this task cannot be solved by internal, purely market means — an active social policy is required, which is designed to be developed and implemented by the state, which, according to the force of the Russian Constitution, is a social state. The directions of this policy are extremely diverse, but to a very significant extent it concerns the sphere of the labor market and labor relations. The traditional task of the state in this area is to coordinate the socially significant interests of social groups of workers and employers as participants in the labor market. In turn, the solution of this problem is connected with the need to carry out a number of organizational and legal measures aimed at streamlining the legal status of labor market participants and protecting their rights and legitimate interests. The logical consequence of solving this
global task is the transformation of the system of domestic law, which should find its expression in the allocation and formation of an array of legal norms on employment — initially as a special branch of legislation within which the social policy of the state will be implemented, and in the future — an independent branch of law.


social rule of law, social policy, employees, employers, acts of the International Labor Organization, labor market, unemployment, employment security, labor relations, so- cially significant interests


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How to Cite

Kurennoy, A. M. (2024). Coordination of the interests of the parties to labor relations and the state at the labor market. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 14, 206–218.



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