Improving the institution of targeted education: analysis of changes in the law on education
In the context of the transition to a digital economy, there is a need for qualified specialists with competencies corresponding to these processes. The system of secondary vocational and higher education is the main tool for training personnel for the labor market. The author of the article refers to the mechanism of targeted training as one of the ways to solve problems in the field of personnel training. Ideologically targeted education, in general, has not undergone fundamental changes in the last two decades. It is based on the fact that admission to targeted training at the expense of the state budget is carried out according to separate quotas, and one of the conditions for granting a quota is the conclusion of an agreement with the customer of targeted training - the future employer. However, the details of the targeted receipt procedure and the obligations of the parties to the relationship were not properly regulated in the legislation, which gave rise to rather negative assessments of society towards this basis for the emergence of educational relations. From May 1, 2024, amendments to the legislation on education will come into force, aimed at increasing the efficiency for the economy of targeted education by clarifying the obligations of the parties and their responsibilities, and also designed to make the entire procedure for admission to target places transparent and open on a nationwide scale. The article provides a critical review of the proposed changes in the Law on Education: for the first time given a definition of the concept of targeted education, updated obligations of the parties to the agreement on targeted education, inclusion of the educational organization and the future employer in the number of parties to the agreement, an updated procedure for admission under the agreement on targeted education.
targeted education, targeted admission, vocational education, vocational training, apprentice agreement, employment, training, educational standards, labor market, qualifications, target admission quota
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