Centenary of the International labour organization (ILO): results and new challenges


  • Elena E. Machulskaya Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


The article is devoted to the centenary of the International labour organization (ILO), which was celebrated in June 2019. The conference adopted the Centenary Declaration “On the Future of Work”, Convention No. 190 and Recommendation “Concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work” and other acts. The Declaration calls on States to adopt human-centred approach at a time of transformative change in the world of work, driven by technological innovations, demographic shifts, climate change and globalization. It calls for promoting the acquisition of skills for all workers at all stages of their working lives
in order to address existing and anticipated skills gaps, ensuring comprehensive and sustainable social protection, taking measures to eliminate “informal” labour relations. Technological progress should contribute to achieve the material welfare, self-realization and dignity of all human beings, with a just sharing of its benefits for all. Convention No. 190 defines violence as any act that causes or is likely to cause physical, psychological or sexual harm. Violence and harassment are considered as stressful factors. The most vulnerable are workers involved in non-standard labour relations. Increased risk is typical for professions in the service sector and trade. The conference discussed the General Survey of the ILO Committee of experts on Recommendation No. 202 “Concerning national floors of social protection” 2012, which aims to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (sdgs) until 2030, in particular, to eliminate poverty and hunger. At the same time, social insurance should remain the main mechanism of income replacement in working age and old age. Persons who are not covered by the compulsory social insurance system should be covered by social assistance financed from the budget and focused on the national subsistence level or other approved standard.


International Labour Organization, Declaration of the Century, Harassment, national floors of social protection, social insurance, basic medical care


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How to Cite

Machulskaya, E. E. (2022). Centenary of the International labour organization (ILO): results and new challenges. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 10, 8–18. Retrieved from https://rjll.spbu.ru/article/view/13220



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