Employment contract: the beginnings of dualism and the imperatives of modern development in Russia


  • Olga A. Paryagina Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx ul., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation


The author considers the employment contract as a private legal regulator of relations in the field of work and explains the dualism of the legal nature of the contract by the fact that the situation of its parties — the employee and the employer — laid the beginnings of equality and inequality. The employee is a subordinate and economically dependent party to the employment contract, and his interests are often infringed in the employment relationship by the employer. Public-legal (state) regulation is aimed at ensuring the labor rights and interests of workers in contractual relations, and on increasing the level of social protection — social partnership and local regulation of labor. In Russian practice “flexibility” in labor regulation is not quite compatible with the government’s policy of “flexicurity” in the labor market. The article question is the justification for inclusion in the definition of an employment contract in Art. 56 of the Russian Federation’s Labor Code tautological indication of the employee’s performance of the work function “in the interests, under the control and the employer’s control”. In connection with the growing contradictions in world and domestic practices between labor and capital, the growth of atypical employment, the insufficient development of social partnerships, the decline in the level of social protection of workers, the author supports the idea of the expediency of legal regulation of new forms of employment contracts, the need
to strengthen the legal regulation of labor relations by the state. In the process of improving labor laws, the UN-proclaimed Sustainable Development Goals and the International Labor Organization (IOT) standards and guidelines for work are subject to consideration. On this basis, the imperatives (requirements) of time in Russia are fair regulation of labor relations, development and implementation on the basis of the balance of interests of employees and employers of the national project “Decent Work”.


dualism of employment contract, combination of state and contractual regulation of labor relations, protection of the rights and interests of employees and employers, decent work


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How to Cite

Paryagina, O. A. (2022). Employment contract: the beginnings of dualism and the imperatives of modern development in Russia. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 10, 30–39. Retrieved from https://rjll.spbu.ru/article/view/13299



Theory of labor law