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The role of the employer in the training of qualified personnel on the basis of industry (inter-industry) agreements


  • Galina S. Skachkova 3, ul. Gavanskaya, St. Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation



The article considers a set of issues related to the role of employers and the importance of their activities as one of the parties of social partnership in the training of qualified personnel on the basis of sectoral (intersectoral) relations. When analyzing the use of forms of social partnership at its various levels in the regulation of social and labor relations, attention is paid to the social approach to such regulation, indicating the need to protect the interests and needs of the employee’s personality. The levels of social partnership are highlighted, at which various agreements can be concluded, differing in their content and order of adoption, scope of action. Among all agreements, a special place in their significance in the country’s economy,
taking into account the content and scope of action, is occupied by sectoral agreements concluded at the sectoral level in various sectors of the economy, establishing the basis for regulating labor relations in a particular industry. When establishing the foundations for regulating labor relations in two or more sectors of the country’s economy, intersectoral agreements are concluded both at the federal level and at the regional level, or on a certain municipal territory. The formation of Russian legislation on social partnership, collective agreements has its own history, during which the regulatory legal framework laid down in the early years of
Soviet power and during the NEP period was improved. The resumption at the end of the 20th century of collective-contractual regulation of relations in the sphere of labor law on a fundamentally new legal basis made it possible to further increase the role and importance of acts of social partnership of an industry (intersectoral) nature. An analysis of the provisions of a number of sectoral (intersectoral) agreements on the role of employers in the training of qualified personnel showed the presence of a significant amount of their powers in the agreements of the off-budget sector of the economy. In turn, in budgetary organizations, the
employer’s activity in this direction, limited by budget allocations, often comes down to the need to act within their strict limits, in the absence of the possibility of establishing additional benefits and guarantees for employees compared to those established centrally.


social partnership, sectoral agreements, intersectoral agreements, labor market, employment, employee, employer, working conditions, benefits, guarantees.


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2024-03-16 — Updated on 2024-04-03


How to Cite

Skachkova, G. S. (2024). The role of the employer in the training of qualified personnel on the basis of industry (inter-industry) agreements. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 14, 41–62. (Original work published March 16, 2024)



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