The concept of disciplinary responsibility in the labor legislation of some post-Soviet countries: similarities in approaches, differences in difinitions


  • Nikolay N. Startsev St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The level of development of labor relations is seriously affected by many factors from the economic, which forms social stability and vectors of development of the country as a whole, to which sectors of the economy will be most in demand for labor, how and what related areas of scientific and industrial spheres will be involved. One of the institutions of labor law is undoubtedly the discipline of labor. How is the institute of labor discipline developing at the present stage in the post-Soviet space, what is common, what are the differences in the regulation of labor discipline under the labor legislation of a number of countries such as the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz and Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, which were once part of the Soviet Union has become subject of research in this paper. Additional interest in the field of regulation of the institution of disciplinary relations is caused by its applications not for one, but for a number of states united in various coalitions (unions) by the example of building a uniform approach in establishing and regulating the norms of such an important institution of labor law, fixed in the form of secondary (model) noms.The purpose of this study is to identify similarities in approaches and search for differences in definitions, the mechanism of
regulation of the institution of disciplinary responsibility in labor legislation on the example of adopted labor codes in the legal systems of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and some other states.


disciplinary responsibility, disciplinary penalties, procedure for applying discipli- nary responsibility, general and special disciplinary responsibility, internal labor regulations


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How to Cite

Startsev, N. N. (2024). The concept of disciplinary responsibility in the labor legislation of some post-Soviet countries: similarities in approaches, differences in difinitions. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 14, 323–341.



International, comparative and foreign labor law