Interaction of social security law and information law in the process of social risk personification



The social risk personification is a process of establishing compliance with the law of the circumstances in which an individual finds himself and which he assesses as requiring protection from risk. As for compensation for the adverse consequences of this risk, personification is carried out as part of the procedure for confirming the right to social security. It is necessary to show the real onset of risk, its negative consequences and the need for social benefits. This procedure belongs to the social security law. However, today it is changing and acquiring new characteristics. This is due to the advent of the information society, the development of information technologies and telecommunications networks, including the Internet. Thus, the integrative interaction of social security law and information law in the process of personification of social risk is manifested. This interaction leads to new ways of fixing social risks in digital sources of information, new ways of personalizing these risks and confirming the right for social benefits. The article provides examples of existing and new information technologies and systems operating in this area — the Unified state information system of social security, Automated interaction system, individual (personalized) accounting in the system of pension insurance, etc. These changes are aimed at improving the procedure for confirming the right to social risk compensation, as well as making it easier for citizens to access social benefits. The research results substantiate the conclusion that the external aspect of this procedure — interaction with information systems, issues of information security — belong to the information law, and the internal content — to the social security law.


social security law, information law, procedure of confirming the right for social benefits, social risk compensation, information systems and technologies, automated interaction system


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How to Cite

Istomina, Y. A. (2021). Interaction of social security law and information law in the process of social risk personification. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 11, 332–344. Retrieved from


