Comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the EAEU Countries on social employment of persons with disabilities


  • Marina V. Filippova St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The increasing number of persons with disabilities in the world poses a challenge to States to find the best ways to ensure their competitiveness in the labour market. The EAEU countries that have ratified the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities have adopted relevant legislation aimed at ensuring that persons with disabilities are able to find work and gain a foothold in it. With the fundamental uniformity of these rules, they still contain different options for solving this problem. It allows to carry out the comparative legal analysis of these legal norms to reveal their similar and differing provisions. Such comparison enables
the national legislator to use the most effective legal constructions. Differences in the scope of obligations imposed on employers to ensure the realization of the right to work by persons with disabilities lead to different amounts of financial and organizational costs for employers operating in different jurisdictions. It violates the equality of economic entities in the EAEU and thereby violates the unity of the economic space of this regional Association. Therefore it relevant to harmonize legislation on employment of persons with disabilities within EAEU. At the same time, legislation on employment of persons with disabilities is woven into the fabric of legislation on other forms of their social protection, therefore comparison with the mechanisms of social protection of other categories of citizens is needed as well. These mechanisms are built taking into account not only the economic capabilities of the state, but also the social, cultural, historical characteristics of the population. Therefore, a simple unification of the norms on employment of persons with disabilities is impossible, and harmonization should follow a more complex path, the first stage of which is a comparative legal analysis of the relevant norms. The obligation to ensure professional rehabilitation of disabled people arises from the content of ILO Convention N 159 “On professional rehabilitation and engagement of disabled people”. Their right to work is provided in EAEU by introduction of supplementary
guarantees intended to ensure professional education of disabled people which allows them to be competitive at the regional labor market, as well as by workplace quotas (reservation) and creation of special jobs for engagement.


legislations of EAEU countries, disabled person, employment, workplace quotas, special jobs, social jobs


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How to Cite

Filippova, M. V. (2022). Comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the EAEU Countries on social employment of persons with disabilities. Russian Journal of Labour & Law, 10, 286–299. Retrieved from



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